We are travel company the services, are specialiesed for people can't jyoing the pakage tours

Home-visit long-term care is defined by Japanese law as a メwelfare service Long-term care workers and others visit care recipientsユ homes and provide physical care and daily living support, such as assistance with housework, so they can continue living independently at home.
This is also sometimes called home help.

In Japan, welfare services and other parts of the so-called social safety net are all covered by taxes, and services above and beyond practical long-term care, such as hobbies or even visiting the graves of family members.



However, we do not view our care services as メwelfare services.モ We consider ourselves purely part of the service industry, but as such we have assisted numerous people with special needs, with specified illnesses, in wheelchairs and so forth. Now we are pleased to mark the milestone of five years in business.

We offer a home-visit service that assists care recipients with various kinds of needs, and is completely different from a nursing home to which one moves after independent living becomes impossible.

With travel industry professionals and care giver"s skill are certified staff in attendance, we keep customers happy


if you are coming to Japan, we will meet you at the airport and from there on everything will proceed according to your requests. When you leave Japan, as well, we will see you off right to the end. Do you have special needs such as dialysis? No need to worry. Today, while there are more and more inbound travelers in Japan, but many of them are on package tours or are backpacking on their own,it seems
like to be few senior citizens or people with disabilities. Temples and shrines are full of stairs, and it can be difficult to get up
But don't worry when you sleep on a futon. There are floor or ground height differentials all over the place.
And how do you feel about Onsen?
With us, thereユs no need to worry about any of this. There are many temples and shrines with special routes, including those that can be navigated safely by wheelchair.
We can help those with paralysis.
no ploblem

We are orijinally travel company,we wll personally draw up travel plans, making sure to meet your every need. Please do not hesitate to tell us about budget limitations as well.

When you travele in the world, what are the memories that truly linger? There are beautiful views of the sea, mountains, and historic buildings, and to be sure, you want to take pictures of these and remember them. Today, however, with the Internet, you can see images of just about any place in the world at any time.
But there is no virtual substitute for the people you meet on a trip, the conversations you have, the people you see engaged in daily living, the little pieces of human kindness. In our opinion, these end up being the fondest memories of travel.




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Orrient Care Services Co., Ltd.
Mayu Yamamoto, CEO

Born and raised in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Attended middle and high school at Konan Women’s and university at Kwansei Gakuin. Spent a year in Canada after graduation. After returning to Japan, worked at Recruit Career for three years and then at JTB World, and was in charge of Look JTB sales promotions. After leaving this company, established Orianty Co., Ltd. The name would change to Orient Care Service Co., Ltd. in 2019).

Throughout my career I have always worked with people. No matter what AI advances are made, we will always need services that depend on human warmth. And I believe that globalization can connect people in positive ways, which I want to play a part in. Looking to the future, our company is committed to addressing diverse issues and embracing change without fear.